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Manifest na rzecz umiejętności cyfrowych w wersji angielskiej

Włodzimierz Marciński

Jest już dostępna angielska wersja Manifestu na rzecz umiejętności cyfrowych.

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Manifesto for the delopment of digital competencies in Poland

We the undersigned, being convinced:

  • digital competencies – knowledge, skills and attitudes – constitute a precondition for development of the citizens, local communities, the state and the economy; their required range depends on different needs, abilities and life goals;
  • In order to effectively and creatively take advantage of digital technologies, including the Internet, one must have the appropriate knowledge, motivation, skills and support; this also requires access infrastructure and offer of a friendly service and high-quality content;
  • democratic society needs citizens with appropriate digital competencies; the use of media and technology is both our right and the instrument of civilization and cultural changes without development of which Poland will not find itself among the most important countries of Europe and the world;
  • digital competencies open up new prospects for meeting the necessities of life – allow for a more complete personal development, as well as active participation in social and cultural life;
  • advanced digital competencies are conducive to creativity, entrepreneurship and innovation as well as support the process of building social, intellectual and economic capital;
  • the development of digital competencies helps levelling social differences, whereas their absence creates new forms of social exclusion;
  • personnel with appropriate competencies are a prerequisite for the development of institutions, companies and organizations; they allow for increase in effectiveness, creation of new forms of cooperation, engagement and communication; the use of digital technology supports the economic potential and improves the employability.


We would like to pursue the following goal:

to make Poland a country where everyone has the opportunity to use the Internet and other new technologies to improve the quality of your own life and the lives of loved ones. Thanks to digital competencies one will be able to develop more fully in personal, social, civic and professional life contributing to the development of modern Poland.


We believe that the development of digital literacy should be guided by the following principles:

  1. Everyone has the possibility to use digital technology and enjoy the benefits associated with it.
  2. Everyone has the possibility to have access to the Internet, while free public access is provided by institutions such as schools, libraries and offices.
  3. Opportunities to acquire and develop digital skills are equal for all, taking into account their limitations and economic conditions.
  4. Digital activation takes into account various forms of exclusion and aims to remove them. Those in need of support, receive assistance in the development of competencies and in access to assistive technologies that eliminate barriers to the use.
  5. For some people the use of the Internet in an indirect manner, with the support of others, it is a sufficient form of digital activity.
  6. The development of digital competencies is based on a relational approach, tying the use of technology with specific benefits in different spheres of life. Hence the starting point for the digital activation is to show the individual benefits brought by technologies.
  7. Teaching of digital literacy is personalized to meet individual needs and capabilities. One essential set of digital skills does not exist, as goals and methods of Internet use may differ.
  8. Teaching children and adolescents of digital skills, associated with IT and media education is an essential part of education at all levels of education.
  9. Development of digital literacy takes place at every stage of life. Actions taken under formal education are complemented by informal education and self-education.
  10. Professionally active people are constantly developing their skills so as to adapt to technological developments and changing job market.
  11. Acquisition of digital skills also concerns conscious and responsible use of technology. It teaches the ability to take care of your security, critical reception of the content, make informed choices related to the use of technology and knowledge of the applicable rules and rights enjoyed by users.
  12. E-services (public and commercial) are friendly, efficient and designed in a manner that is aimed at the users, which ensures their use. The key is to create services available to everyone, regardless of fitness level and age, as well as hardware and software used.
  13. The development of digital skills is supported through cooperation and use of resources of public administration, NGOs and business.


We therefore call upon:

  • the government and local governments to develop and implement a coherent approach to the development of digital literacy, and to support efforts aimed at promoting and acquisition of digital skills in all areas of social and economic life;
  • business and entrepreneurs to constantly improve digital literacy of its employees, regardless of their age and the responsibilities to increase innovation, competitiveness and effectiveness;
  • educational and science – research institutions to assign high priority to acquisition of knowledge and digital competencies, and to search for new forms of teaching according to the abilities and needs of learners;
  • fellow citizens to recognise the digital competencies as necessary in everyday life, and to ensure their continued development.

As signatories of this manifesto we pledge our continuing activities for the benefit of development of digital competencies. We wish principles formulated within to constitute basis for an action plan for the development of digital competencies. Being convinced of the importance and usefulness of this manifesto we place our signatures herein:

Włodzimierz Marciński, Polish Digital Champion; Dominik Batorski Ph.D., University of Warsaw, Interdisciplinary Centre for Mathematical and Computational Modelling; Prof. Wojciech Cellary, Wrocław University of Economics; Katarzyna Chałbińska-Jentkiewicz Ph.D., National Audiovisual Institute; Marta Czapińska, Ministry of Education; Jadwiga Czartoryska, Orange Poland; Elżbieta Dydak, Information Society Development Foundation; Janusz Dygaszewicz, Central Statistical Office of Poland; Mirek Filiciak Ph.D., University of Social Sciences and Humanities; Elżbieta Gajek Ph.D., Institute of Applied Linguistics, University of Warsaw; Grzegorz Gauden, Book Institute; Krzysztof Głomb, Cities on the Internet Association; Dorota Górecka, Nowoczesna Polska Foundation; Marek Hołyński Ph.D., Institute of Mathematical Machines; Justyna Jasiewicz Ph.D., University of Warsaw; Rafał Kramza, Information Society Development Foundation; Ewa Krupa, Orange Foundation; Tomasz Komorowski, Polish Committee for UNESCO; Dagmara Krzesińska, UPC Poland; Jarosław Lipszyc, Nowoczesna Polska Foundation; Mariusz Madejczyk, Podlaskie Province Office; Prof. Jan Madey, University of Warsaw; Tomasz Makowski Ph.D., National Library; Artur Marcinkowski, Widzialni Foundation; prof. Janusz Morbitzer, University of Dąbrowa Górnicza; Ewa Murawska-Najmiec, National Broadcasting Council; Tomasz Napiórkowski, Ministry of Administration and Digitization; Prof. Marian Noga, Polish Information Processing Society; Jerzy Nowak, Polish Information Processing Society; Igor Ostrowski, President of the Council for Digitization; Alicja Pacewicz, Center for Civic Education; Prof. Marlena Plebańska, University of Vistula; Kamil Sijko, CoderDojo Poland; Prof. Maciej M. Sysło, University of Wrocław; Alek Tarkowski, Digital Center Project: Poland; Jarosław Tworóg Ph.D., Polish Chamber of Commerce for Electronics and Telecommunications; Jacek Wojnarowski, Institute of Public Affairs;

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